Process Documentation

Globalization, stricter legislation, and the requirement for increased efficiency, have placed increasing demands on organizations to ensure that they have consistent, documented processes for all facets of their business. All organizations, regardless of size, are being required to “do more with less” in order to meet their fiscal responsibilities. Factors such as attrition, turnover and workforce reduction have increasingly required employees to be multi-skilled and more efficient in their job performance.

LII's experienced business consultants can assist in documenting business processes and procedures. Our professional staff will work with your subject matter experts (SMEs) to obtain information on the policies and procedures of your operation. In order to ensure the alignment of what is actually happening versus what should be happening, LII will conduct time and motion studies to validate business processes, noting potential gaps in either understanding or practice. Additionally, as a part of the process documentation, LII will depict your operational procedures with process diagrams and end-to-end process flow charts to assist in effectively communicating operating procedures.


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LII specializes in developing and delivering training solutions to assist supervisory and occupational staff in growing their personal and productivity skills. Our training is designed utilizing recognized industry standard methodologies such as...

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Meeting Facilitation

The LII Leadership Team has over fifty combined years of experience facilitating meetings, retreats, teambuilding sessions, and training courses for both public and private sector clients, alike. For each endeavor, we seek to understand the...

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Technical Assistance

LII has embraced the philosophy that “one size does not always ‘fit all,’” as it relates to providing technical assistance (TA). With the aforementioned understanding being a key area of focus, LII considers its understanding of the client’s specific...

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